working for A better tomorrow

Without culture there is no art, without a healthy environment there is no culture.

The Mission of PEACE is to support and promote excellence in the arts, the preservation of Pacific Island culture and the conservation of natural resources and bio diversity in Pacific islands. Through education PEACE intends to utilize this balanced approach to bring all the communities in Micronesia closer to a health and sustainable way of life. Please contact us for more information


Deutsche Welle World Explores Majuro

Global 3000




The Marshall islands are battling climate change everyday in Micronesia. These low lying atolls are on the front line of climate change with waters already reaching into homes and effecting peoples lives. Graveyards are being washed away, small islands have receded beneath the waves, salt water intrusion is destroying drinking water tables and homes are falling into the sea. This is not science fiction, this is the life of nearly 100,000 marshalese who are battling climate change on the front line. Learn more in this Global 3000 video from Deutsche Welle World which was filmed by Jeff Barabe of Roll 'em Productions in Palau.